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NEW Blog Endeavors

Today is the day.

This blog prioritizes mainly on my photography business, Infinite Photography Missoula. But today, I am feeling like a fresh new start to a new me. I know it is not January 1st, and the whole new year new me resolution thing. I believe that a resolution or a new goal should not be based on the New Year. It should be based on when you are most connected to yourself. I have been struggling from Spring of this year with myself due to family health circumstances. This changed when I had a recent one-on-one conversation with my amazing Dad. He opened my eyes and made me realize that there are many things in life that I cannot change. What only matter is, how you choose to react to them. You can choose to live miserably wishing that things were different or that people can treat you differently, or you can choose to not let those situations interrupt your life. I, however, finally made a choice that I will NOT let others make me feel bad about myself. Family, friends, or foes. This was a very difficult task for me to achieve, but I am doing so step by step. Strive for progress, not perfection.

In addition to this new life endeavor, I would like to introduce my blog to more beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. As most of you know, Infinite Photography Missoula is my baby! (My 2nd baby of course, in addition to my real-life baby son.) The newly construction building of my photography studio is very exciting, and also very stressful! Hint: It is still under construction :). Keep an eye out for our grand opening! I also love anything beauty, just like most other women. I have a passion in every business aspect of my life. Full-time mommy and wife, doing makeup artistry in the Missoula area on the side, Infinite Photography, and another job that I absolutely love.

Here are little snippets into the newly added blog categories you will see in the future:

Beauty: Expect beauty products recommendations, YouTube beauty channel and videos, and makeup lessons!

Fashion: Expect an inside look of what my fashion style and recommendations are! I definte my style into these categories: Business professional, glam, and street style.

Lifestyle: Lifestyle can be anything! I think that I will be looking into blogging about my Fitness journey with my husband. Within the last year, we have both went down the hole into a sedentary lifestyle and relying heavily on surgar and bad carbs! This has truly made me depressed. I was a healthy active person working out at least 5 days a week. Then it change into a very sedentary lifestyle. Boom, the weight quickly added up. We have finally decided enough was enough and we are going back into cleaner eating and back into working out. We are currently working with our amazing trainer/friend Rachel at TITLE BOXING CLUB MISSOULA. She watches us carefully to not ignore our macros intake for the day and pushes us during boxing and lifting. Let me tell you, she is an absolute superwoman! Love her! Please feel free to add me on your MyFitnessPal: @sayidahhanna. We can all do this Fitness lifestyle together!

I would like to also take a moment to thank my clienteles and my blog readers. You are like the sprinkles to my cupcake! Love you all!


Sayidah Dupuis

Infinite Photography - Missoula Photographer

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